Thursday, February 12, 2015



That's right sports fans, that's me with the hero of the New England Patriots, Malcolm Butler.  He was also escaping the cold and was on our flight from Boston to LA.  We were lucky enough to chat with him in baggage before the hoards of people came down.  I walked up and asked: "Are you him?"  He gave me a big grin. I shook his hand - chatted for a bit and then gave him a big hug and thanked him for saving the day. Great guy.

Our car showed up on time and although there was some concern of traffic, it was all pretty much clear sailing to the airport.  The sky was grey and, yes, still snowing. Miraculously, as we approached the city, the clouds parted and lo and behold - the sun was shining.  Boston looked like OZ in the distance. Nice blue sky and clear for take-off.

Other than having Mr. Butler on our flight, it was pretty uneventful.  We landed early and made our way to the car rental. Set my handy-dandy bike gps to drive mode and we were off.  It was after 10pm and Alena sounded pretty drowsy when I phoned.  Sure enough, she was sound asleep when finally we got in.

Up bright and early - need to adjust internal clock. Have yet to see Alena.  She should be headed to work soon.  We plan to take the bikes to the beach and head to Malibu - soak up the sunshine and warm breezes. Meet up with Alena later for dinner.

Next time .... Biking to Malibu


  1. Tundra Girl2/12/2015

    So JEALOUS, but happy you guys got off okay from the Tundra. Very cool photo of you and Mr. Butler.
    Guess what??? It's snowing again here in quaint New England. . FYI: Ariel was in Palm Springs, I got a text w. photo of the pool at the hotel she's staying. Looks WARM. I vaguely remember what it feels like. Have fun and stay safe.

  2. Anonymous2/12/2015

    WHAAAAT???? THE Malcolm Butler?!! Superbowl Hero? Our hero??? That Malcolm Butler :) Awesome! Can't think of a better way for you guys to start your trip!!! Enjoy Cali and give our love to all the kids.

  3. OMG!! My super sister with my superbowl hero....who would 'a thunk! This trip is off to a great start!
