Morning was busy. We skipped the trip to the farmer's market and also bailed on the 2 year old's birthday party. Although, in hind sight, we should have gone since we were told there were more adults than kids. One of which is starring in the new Amazon show,Transparent - which we love.
Heard from Diane (who is keeping an eye on our house) and it seems that the Southcoast got hit again with snow. We are starting to feel a bit guilty enjoying all this warm weather. We check our solar panels every day with an online app to make sure that we still have power at the house. All seems good so far.
Liam is out at a meeting. Ilana & Geoff are putting dinner together, Tali is running back and forth and I am trying desperately to get this posted before dinner but it doesn't look good. I'm being paged.
Tomorrow we head out to visit Nick & Steve for a few days. We will be staying with the same b&b couple that we stayed with 2 years ago. They are great folks. It'll be wonderful to visit with them again. Looking forward to our next phase of this journey.
Next time...Palm Springs
Comgratulions! You are one of the Jackpot winners, in the snow lottery 18" in Fairhaven and more on the way, so continue to enjoy the warm weather. Don't feel guilty it's just good timing and pray for us.